Collaborative Benching System

Effective communication is the key to success. Our design team set out to create an environment that was conducive to effective communication and hence the BLADE Benching System concept was born. This solution is engineered with the team in mind. Lower screens facilitate collaboration and straight runs allow the maximum person-per-room ratio. This desking utilizes an expanding beam and an ‘add-on’ function. There is no limit on the length or number of workstations possible. The Blade Benching System also uses fewer parts-per-user resulting in greater cost savings

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[button size=”big_large” text=”Blade Surfaces – FX” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-o-down” icon_size=”fa-lg” icon_color=”#000000″ link=”” target=”_blank” color=”#000000″ background_color=”#dd9933″ border_color=”#000000″ text_align=”center”]
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[button icon=”fa-arrow-circle-down” icon_size=”fa-lg” target=”_blank” text_align=”center” text=”Blade Cushion Tops – Fast” icon_color=”#000000″ link=”” color=”#000000″ background_color=”#dd9933″ border_color=”#000000″ size=”big_large”]
[button size=”big_large” icon=”fa-arrow-circle-down” icon_size=”fa-lg” target=”_self” text_align=”center” text=”Blade Leather – FX” icon_color=”#000000″ link=”” color=”#000000″ border_color=”#000000″ background_color=”#dd9933″]
[button icon=”fa-arrow-circle-down” icon_size=”fa-lg” target=”_self” text=”Blade Frame Color” icon_color=”#000000″ link=”” color=”#000000″ background_color=”#dd9933″ border_color=”#000000″ text_align=”center” size=”big_large”]

Collaborative Benching System by Blade Features

  • Kühlen Integrated Power System
  • Translucent Screen
  • Cost-Effective
  • Space-Saving
  • Maximum Person-Per-Room Ratio
  • Open Plan Furniture